API Reference
Log In
API Reference



Users identify individuals within an account and are linked from your corporate directory. Each user gets a team key assigned when they become team members. The Users List route supports pagination.

The users object

  "identifier": "...",
  "externalIdentifier": "...",
  "firstName": "...",
  "lastName": "...",
  "title": "...",
  "email": "...",
  "pictureURL": "...",
  "status": "...",
  "source": "...",
  "lastActiveDateTime": "...",
  "createdAt": "...",
  "updatedAt": "...",
  "visited": true,
  "onboarded": true,
  "activeAccessKeyCount": 1,
  "listAccessKeys": [],
  "account": {
     "identifier": "...",
     "name": "..."
  "submittedJobs": 1
identifierstringThe user's identifier.
externalIdentifierstringThe user’s identifier in the client’s authorization system. Currently, it is set to the user’s email.
firstNamestringThe user’s first name.
lastNamestringThe user’s last name.
titlestringThe user’s title. It can be any value with max length of 50. Defaults to null.
emailstringThe user’s email.
pictureURLstringThe location where the user’s picture is stored.
statusstringThe user’s status. Values can be Active, Inactive, Invited, Rejected, or Deleted.
lastActiveDatetimestringThe last time the user sent a request in ISO8601 (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD) format.
createdAtstringThe date the user was created in ISO8601 (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD) format.
updatedAtThe date the user was updated in ISO8601 (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD) format.
visitedbooleanHighlights new users in the User Management interface by defaulting to false upon user creation. It gets updated to true once the user is listed in the interface.
onboardedbooleanDisplays Modzy’s welcome video in the interface by defaulting to false upon user creation.
activeAccessKeyCountnumberThe amount of active API keys that the user has.
listAccessKeysarrayContains all the API key objects.
accountobjectThe user’s account.
submittedJobsnumberThe API key’s submitted jobs.