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Container image


The container image object holds the model image and the details to run it. Modzy gets the model’s status, runs data, and gets output results from the container image. Modzy can also request to shut down a process when needed. The container specification consists of an API that can respond to Modzy’s requests.

Container images can be stored on a Docker registry or locally. If the container image is stored on a Docker registry, send the URL to the Docker registry hosting the image and any required credentials. If the container image is stored locally, send a TAR file. You can create a TAR file by saving the container image with docker save. The Model service has APIs to link to a container image stored in Docker or to upload a container image stored locally, and get the status.


  • Model name
  • Version
  • All container routes should return application/json


In case of exception, a technicalInformation field is returned with troubleshooting details.

The container images object

    "uploadStatus": "...",
    "loadStatus": "...",
    "uploadPercentage": 100,
    "loadPercentage": 100,
    "containerImageSize": 0,
    "registryHost": "...",
    "repositoryNamespace": "...",
    "imagePrefix": "...",
    "repositoryName": "..."
uploadStatusstringThe current step in the container image upload process. It may be: "Uploading container image", "Loading model 'x'", or "Checking status endpoint".
loadStatusstringThe container image load status. The load process is where Modzy tests the model’s /status route. It returns the step number, step name, and completion percentage.
uploadPercentagenumberThe container image’s upload progress percentage.
loadPercentagenumberThe container image’s load progress percentage.
containerImageSizenumberThe container image’s file size in bytes.
registryHoststringThe URL hosting the Docker registry. Applicable for Docker files only.
imagePrefixstringThe location where the container image is stored. Applicable for Docker files only.
repositoryNamestringThe repository where the container image is located. Applicable for Docker files only.
repositoryNameSpacestringThe repository where the container image is stored. Applicable for Docker files only.