The job history receives a set of parameters and returns related job lists and details. The Jobs service allows to monitor jobs and access the job history. Job history routes support pagination and may require filters.
The jobs object
"jobIdentifier": "...",
"submittedBy": "...",
"accountIdentifier": "...",
"model": {},
"status": "...",
"createdAt": "...",
"updatedAt": "...",
"submittedAt": "...",
"total": 1,
"pending": 1,
"completed": 0,
"failed": 0,
"elapsedTime": 12345,
"queueTime": 12345,
"timeout": 99999,
"user": {},
"jobInputs": [],
"inputByteAmount": 12345,
"imageClassificationModel": true
Parameter | Type | Description |
jobIdentifier | string | The job’s identifier. |
submittedBy | string | The API key that submitted the job. |
accountIdentifier | string | Identifier linked to the account that requested the job. |
model | object | An object that contains the model’s parameters. It can be used as a filter. |
status | string | Status of the jobs to be fetched. Defaults to all. It accepts all, timedout, pending, or terminated. |
createdAt | string | Time that the job was created in ISO8601 (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD) format. |
updatedAt | string | Time that the job status was updated in ISO8601 (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD) format. |
submittedAt | string | Time that the job was submitted in ISO8601 (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD) format. |
total | number | Amount of items submitted to the job. |
pending | number | Amount of items in the item queue, not yet processed by the job. |
completed | number | Amount of items processed by the job. |
failed | number | Amount of items that the job couldn’t process. |
queueTime | number | Time between the job is first submitted and it starts to run the first input in milliseconds. |
elapsedTime | number | Time between the job starts to run until it is completed in milliseconds. |
timeout | number | Contains a timeout in milliseconds for the job’s status to transition to TIMEDOUT. If it’s not set, jobs don’t timeout. |
explain | boolean | Sets the explainability feature when a model offers the option. |
user | object | An object that contains the user’s parameters. |
jobInputs | array | An array that contains the input objects. |
inputByteAmount | number | The job’s total input weight in bytes. |
imageClassificationModel | boolean | A flag for image classification models. If true, it creates lightweight samples for the images. |