API Reference
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List all models' details

This endpoint returns a model list with all models and their versions. It includes all models' and versions' fields.

It can be sorted by version, createdAt, inputValidationSchema, createdBy, longDescription, technicalDetails, imagePrefix, status, isAvailable, repositoryName, sourceType, versionHistory, isExperimental, performanceSummary, lastActiveDateTime (never used models are always returned last), model.name, model.author, model.createdByFullName, processing.minimumParallelCapacity (defaults to 0), processing.maximumParallelCapacity (defaults to 1).


Be aware that the amount of information being retrieved may be very large making the response slow. Use filters and pagination to reduce the amount of information.


This route accepts sort-by and direction query parameters described in the pagination guide.


This collection route supports filters and pagination.


Modzy returns the loadStatus and the runStatus objects if the model was added through the Model Deployment page.



All the roles can access this route.
