JUMP TOWelcomeIntroductionRoute typesStatus codesSpecial charactersNotificationsFiltersAuthenticationAuthorizationPaginationModel versioningResourcesAccountsTeamsUsersCreate and manage usersProjectsAPI KeysProcessing enginesJobsRun a modelConceptual GuidesBatch processingExplainabilityModel driftEdgeAccountingAccountsUpdate an accountpatchUpdate settingspatchUpdate the picturepostDelete an accountdeleteSearch accountspostList accountsgetGet account detailsgetGet the picturegetTeamsCreate a teampostUpdate a teampatchAdd a memberpostDelete a teamdeleteDelete a memberdeleteList teamsgetList membersgetGet team detailsgetProjectsCreate a projectpostUpdate a projectpatchDelete a projectdeleteList projectsgetGet project detailsgetUsersCreate a userpostOnboard a userpatchUpdate a userpatchUpdate a user's picturepostDelete a user's picturedeleteSearch userspostList usersgetGet user detailsgetGet a user's picturegetAPI KeysUpdate a key's rolesputUpdate a key’s bodydeleteUpdate a key's status & prioritypatchGet a key’s bodypostSearch keyspostSearch keys - list of keyspostList account keysgetList team keysgetList a user’s keysgetGet key detailsgetRolesList rolesgetQuotasCreate a quotapostDelete a quotadeleteUpdate a quotapatchList quotasgetGet quota detailsgetModelsModel libraryRecommend a modelpatchSearch modelspostList modelsgetList all models' detailsgetGet latest modelsgetGet related modelsgetGet model detailsgetModel versionsSearch versionspostList versionsgetGet version detailsgetSample requestUpdate the sample requestGet the sample requestSample resultsUpdate the sample resultsGet the sample resultsModel tagsList tagsgetList models by taggetModel deploymentModel deploymentCreate a modelpostUpdate a modelpatchAdd a model picturepostAdd a snapshot picturepostDelete a snapshot picturedeleteGet the model picturegetVersionsCreate a versionpostUpdate a versionpatchDelete a versiondeletePublish a versionpostContainer imageAdd a container imagepostCancel Container UploaddeleteGet the statusgetHardware requriementsAdd a requirement preset to a modelpostInputsCreate an inputUpdate the sample requestputGet the sample requestgetOutputsCreate an outputUpdate sample resultsputGet sample resultsgetInput test fileAdd a test filepostDelete a test filedeleteGet test filesgetTestsLoad a modelpostRun a modelpostDelete the load testdeleteDelete the run testdeleteGet the load test statusgetGet the run test statusgetGet the run test resultsgetModel managementModel managementUpdate a model version's statuspatchDownload a nonce tokenpostDownload a versiongetResourcesUpdate engines - AdminpatchGet minimum enginesgetGet engine situationgetModel visibilityUpdate visibilitypatchGet model visibilitygetHardware requirement presetsCreate a hardware requirement presetpostEnable a hardware requirement presetpostDelete a requirement presetdeleteDisable a hardware requirement presetdeleteList account presetsgetList model requirementsgetModel categoriesCreate a categorypostDelete a categorydeleteAdd a category to a modelpostDelete a category from a modeldeleteList categoriesgetDashboardMetricsList model metricsgetList user metricsgetList job metricsgetList prediction metricsgetGet data-processed metricsgetGet prometheus metricsgetTelemetrySearch telemetrypostGet telemetry detailsgetAlertsList alertsgetGet alert detailsgetJobsJobsCreate a jobpostCancel a jobdeleteCancel a key's jobsdeleteSearch jobspostList jobsgetGet job detailsgetGet input detailsgetGet input collectionsgetGet an input's collectionsgetGet an input's imagegetOpen jobsAdd input chunkspostClose a jobpostGet system capacitygetJob historySearch the job historypostList the job historygetGet history detailsgetDownload history detailsgetLogsGet job lifecycle logsgetGet user statisticsgetGet a key’s statisticsgetResultsList resultsgetGet resultsgetGet an input item's resultsgetVoteUpvote a resultpostDownvote a resultpostDelete a votedeleteGet result votesgetMonitoringAuditGet a log details filepostList logsgetPrediction driftUpdate the baseline distributionpostUpdate the baseline distribution by teampostUpdate the baseline distribution by projectpostUpdate thresholdspostUpdate thresholds by teampostUpdate thresholds by projectpostGet baseline periodgetGet baseline period by teamgetGet baseline period by projectgetGet thresholdsgetGet thresholds by projectgetGet baseline distributiongetGet baseline distribution by teamgetGet baseline distribution by projectgetGet inference distributiongetGet inference distribution by teamgetGet inference distribution by projectgetGet a model's driftgetGet a model's drift by teamgetGet a model's drift by projectgetList drift summarygetList a team's drift summarygetList a project's drift summarygetGet thresholds by teamgetData DriftGet a model's data driftgetExplainabilityGet explainable predictionsgetGet explanationgetRetrainingModzy InstanceCompanyUpdate the logopostGet the logogetGet the companygetEdge OperationsDevicesList device groupsgetCreate a new device grouppostRevoke a device tokenpostUpdate a device groupputUpdate a device grouppatchCreate a device registration tokenpostList devicesgetList device registration tokensgetGet device group detailsgetDelete a device groupdeleteList device registration tokensgetGet device token detailsgetList devicesgetGet registered device totalgetRegister edge devicepostUpdate a deviceputUpdate a devicepatchGet device detailsgetDelete a devicedeleteModzy CoreInferenceSubmits a single inference requestpostGets inference results and detailsgetJobsSubmits an inference jobpostLists inference jobsgetGets inference job detailsgetResultsGets inference job resultsgetAppendixGlossaryPowered by Delete a user's picturedelete https://app.modzy.com/api/accounting/users/{userId}/imageThis endpoint deletes a user’s picture.🚧RolesProjects cannot access this route.