API Reference
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API Reference



Teams organize groups of users within an account. Developers and Data Scientists may be members of many teams and have access only to the data within those teams. Teams have a Team Administrator assigned and may have several members with the team administrator role.

The admin team

The admin team is a default team set upon installation. Members of the admin team create and manage other teams.

Team administrators

Team administrators create and manage teams. Then, they can add and invite users as team members. When users are added to a team, a team API key with specific roles is created and assigned to them.

Team administrators have full control over their teams. Some of their capabilities include managing their teams and the team’s projects, users, and API keys. They can also view the dashboard and audit details. Regarding models, they can update model autoscaling settings, drift settings, and approve, reject, update, and deactivate models. In relation to jobs, they can cancel and close jobs, access their team’s job results, explainability details, and input details.

Team identifier header

The team id header allows to perform API requests with the results filtered to a specific team. A bearer token is required to get authenticated this way, instead of the API key. To get the bearer token, sign in to Modzy in a browser and go to /auth/token (such as https://trial.app.modzy.com/auth/token).